WWE SmackDown Star Goes Off On Talk Show After Feeling Disrespected


Right now all eyes are looking ahead to the Royal Rumble premium live event, but once that wraps up the next big show on the schedule is Elimination Chamber. This year Elimination Chamber will take place from Perth, Australia and Grayson Waller recently appeared on the Sunrise talk show to promote the event alongside LA Knight.

At one point during the interview LA Knight was asked if he could perform a signature move live on the show, but he tried to brush the question off by saying it won’t be a good day for anyone who gets hit with a potential move. One of the hosts then offered up their floor manager to potentially take the move and the floor manager then moved in front of the camera.

LA Knight then asked Grayson Waller if he wanted to take this one as Waller addressed the floor manager while saying, “If I come over there right now we’re gonna have the police here cause I’m not gonna give you some fake punch like I’m gonna punch you straight in the jaw — you wanna talk to me like this ain’t real…”

Waller then stood up and started to approach the floor manager, but one of the hosts got in between them. A video clip of the exchange can be seen below.

Elimination Chamber will air live from Perth, Australia on Saturday, February 24. Stay tuned for updates.