WWE SmackDown Live Results And Recap 11/14/17


Charlotte, North Carolina played host to the final SmackDown Live before Survivor Series. Judging by the way WWE has been switching things up and stacking Survivor Series like it’s the last event ever who knows what could happen tonight to change things up. We had two huge title matches in store and it was likely the WWE Universe would see at least one of those championships change hands on the final stretch to Survivor Series.

Opening Segment

The shows started out with the SmackDown Live roster backstage with Shane McMahon talking them up. He hyped his roster up and gave Becky Lynch a chance to talk up Asuka and Baron Corbin talking up The Miz. It was interesting how everyone spoke into microphones.

Then they shot to the ring and Daniel Bryan’s music hit. Bryan said he bled Team Blue and he’s lucky to be walking after Kane chokeslammed him into darkness.

Daniel hyped John Cena’s involvement and then introduced the New WWE Champion: AJ Styles. People were very excited to see AJ because as his theme song says: “You better give respect Cause ain’t nobody breaking this red neck.”

Daniel Bryan asked AJ Styles if he wanted his own personal Advocate just for tonight like Brock Lesnar does. Then Daniel Bryan did his best bearded Paul Heyman impression when introducing AJ Styles as the reigning, defending, WWE World Champion. That was awesome.

Bryan said Brock Lesnar’s big but he likes to quit like when he quit WWE years ago and quit to a “half-assed kneebar at a UFC show.” Bryan was cutting an amazing promo saying AJ Styles is going to “push Brock Lesnar into deep waters” you could tell he was really feeling it. It was a great promo and a nice thing to see from the Bearded GOAT as AJ didn’t need to say anything because he just stood there and let Daniel Bryan cut a great promo for him.

Then AJ said, “hold on a second, I can talk I’m not a puppet like Brock Lesnar.” Styles said he agreed with Heyman saying he is the underdog because he wouldn’t have it any other way. He said this isn’t a Rocky movie, it’s an AJ Styles production. He will prove that SmackDown is the A-Show and the House That AJ Styles Built.

Baron Corbin vs Sin Cara (US Title Match)

Sin Cara took to the fast-paced action right off the bat by hitting Corbin with one quick move after another and he ended up dropkicking Baron under the bottom rope. But once he returned the ring, The Lone Wolf slapped Sin Cara out of midair and sent him toppling out of the ring. Then he hurled Sin Cara into the barricade to apply more punishment. Sin Cara tried to come back but just caught an elbow in the face.

When they returned to the ring, Baron Corbin kept up the pressure and seemed to love the hatred he garnered from the fans. Cara had a little comeback and he clotheslined Baron over the ropes and then hit him with a suicide dive through the ropes.

But when they returned tot he ring, Sin Cara found himself in a chokeslam backbreaker so he reversed it and hit a diving shot and was really using his speed. Baron did the run around the post spot he loves to do and came back in the hit a Deep 6 for a two count.

Baron ended up outside again after Sin Cara pulled the top rope down and Cara hit a top rope dive on Baron. Suddenly they made it back to the ring where Baron Corbin hit the End Of Days to win cleanly and rightfully so.

Winner and STILL US Champion: Baron Corbin

Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan were backstage and D-Bry didn’t seem too happy about being chokeslammed on Raw. He said after Survivor Series they need to have a conversation about cohesion.

Natalya vs Charlotte Flair (SmackDown Women’s Title)

Newsflash: Charlotte is very popular in Charlotte.

These two work very well against each other but there wasn’t much of a slow build. Charlotte and Nattie were aggressive from the get-go and it tumbled outside where Natalya took a ride into a barricade.

Once they were back in the ring, Nattie ducked under a big boot and rolled right back out of the ring. Flair was on fire right out of the gate.

Natalya soon regained control and grounded Charlotte with a sleeper hold. Flair broke free and nailed a spear for a two count. Flair went for a Figure 8 but Nattie kicked her right into the middle turnbuckle.

Nattie stepped through a sharpshooter but Charlotte broke free and hit a suplex into the corner. Nattie rolled outside and ran around the ring right into a kick to the face from Charlotte standing on the apron.

Charlotte went for a moonsault off the barricade but Nattie got under her and drove her spine-first into the ring post. Nattie powered Charlotte’s dead weight back in the ring and locked on a sharpshooter. The Nature Girl tried to power out of it but Nattie drug her back to the middle of the ring. Charlotte once again crawled to the bottom rope and grabbed it.

Nattie was sent outside and came right back in to catch a big boot to the face. Charlotte locked on the Figure 8 and Natalya tapped out without much of a struggle.

Winner and NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion: Charlotte Flair

After the match was over Charlotte got a huge “you deserve it” chant before telling Alexa Bliss she would beat her at Survivor Series because there was a Queen on Raw before there was a Goddess.

Then she addressed her father, Ric Flair. She dedicated this win to Ric Flair and was nothing but smiles as she walked up the ramp. Suddenly her music morphed into her father’s entrance music and The Nature Boy appeared on the ramp. Charlotte ran to hug her father who was already crying. They strutted together and celebrated before leaving.

At Survivor Series the first two women to hold both Raw and SmackDown Women’s titles will face each other. That’s a pretty epic fact.

They aired another creepy Bludgeon Brothers promo video and now they’re debuting next week. Neat!

Jimmy Uso vs Chad Gable

The Usos cut a scathing promo on The Bar before the match started and didn’t seem too worried about the team they were facing tonight. Jimmy Uso was facing Chad Gable in a singles match this week

These two had a nice little match where Gable had a chance to show off a little bit.

There was a spot where Gable sent Jimmy into the second rope and it snapped back looking really bad. But he was okay, just really selling it well. Jey Uso got in Gable’s face and distracted him.

Shelton Benjamin took a kick to the face from the apron from Jey and Jimmy hit a Superkick in the ring on Chad Gable to get the win.

Winner: Jimmy Uso via pinfall

Sami Zayn was backstage and he looked upset. Owens asked him what’s wrong and he said it’s because he’s not in Survivor Series. He said they deserve the match against The Shield way more than The New Day.

Kevin Owens said they’re so much better and they’re the only show that matters. The Kevin and Sami Show.

New Day vs Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

The New Day came to the ring to discuss The Hounds Of Justice vs The Unicorns of WWE. Dogs eat their own poop and unicorns are magical… that’s the point they were trying to make.

Kofi said The Shield have already turned on each other which should be a huge clue The New Day is coming to an end soon enough. Xavier said the only reason The Shield are back together is that it’s “cuffing season.” He said when WrestleMania comes around The Shield won’t be together but the New Day will.

Big E said The New Day is the only team that hasn’t turned their backs on each other and hyped the match. Using the hook that New Day has never turned their backs on each other is a pretty huge clue that’s exactly what’s going to happen at Survivor Series if you ask me.

Kevin and Sami came to the ring to Owens’ music and it was really fun to watch Zayn try and dance his way to the ring to Owens’ rocking music like it’s ska.

The New Day broke it down early on and isolated Zayn with a Unicorn Stampede early on for a two count. Owens got the tag but ended up taking a lot of punishment in the process. This might be a receipt for the reason they were sent home from the European tour last week.

Owens was able to turn it around and gain the upper hand with his brute strength and savage intellect. Kevin and Sami cut the ring in half and kept Xavier Woods away from his corner. Sami tagged in to apply some damage but Woods got free and tagged in Big E.

E started hitting belly to belly suplexes all over the place and then shook his hips before hitting a splash. Xavier Woods hit an attack over the top rope and just as they started to rally, The Shield’s music broke out and The Hounds Of Justice came to the ring wearing half Raw/ half Shield shirts.

The Shield surrounded the ring and Zayn and Owens rolled out. The Shield jumped The New Day and The Usos ran down. Suddenly The Bar hit the ring to fight off The Usos.

They cut to backstage where the Raw Women’s Team busted through the locker room “we’re a team!” Alicia Fox yelled before knocking down the door and beating everyone down. Charlotte Flair was left in the middle of the room and Alexa Bliss took her out with a kick.

Suddenly, the rest of Team Raw flooded the ring. SmackDown Superstars ran down to fight them too. Suddenly, Kurt Angle appeared on the ramp and Braun Strowman’s music hit. He motioned for Braun to make his way to the ring, and Strowman went down there to destroy.

It was very nasty indeed. The Shield held Shane McMahon up to the camera and made sure everyone got a good look at him being dominated. Then they kicked Shane to the matt and let Sheamus get a couple hits in. Samoa Joe broke Francesca over Big E’s back on the outside as The Shield held Shane McMahon for Kurt Angle.

Angle got in Shane’s face and said, “how’s that feel Shane? You think this is bad, just wait until Sunday!” Then The Shield hit the Triple Powerbomb on Shane McMahon after Angle gave him the thumbs down.

Kurt hit an Angle Slam on Shane McMahon as well which was really the icing on the cake. But Braun Strowman was still in the ring looking hungry so he asked the crowd if they wanted to see one more. So The Shield drove the point home in a big way by hitting another Triple Powerbomb on Shane McMahon.

SmackDown ended with Team Raw standing tall on the top of the ramp looking like a very cohesive unit.


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