Why WWE Scrapped Plans For A Sable And Marlena Lesbian Angle


On a recent episode of Something To Wrestle With, Bruce and Conrad Thompson went into all things SummerSlam 1996. Even though the event is 21 years old this episode still stands up big time and during the show they breached some very fascinating topics.

Back in the early days of Goldust he was still with his then-wife Marlena on and off screen. There was a proposed lesbian attraction from Marlena toward Sable that was teased for a few weeks.

But then WWE seemed to change their plans out of nowhere and decided it was best if Goldust was the one sending gifts to Sable through his wife instead. Bruce Prichard opened up about whether or not it was USA Network’s call to nix this first attempt at “HLA” in the WWE.

“Vince actually got cold feet,” Bruce said. “We started it, and we started it with Marlena coming onto Sable. The idea behind that was the whole package that Goldust package of Goldust and Marlena — this androgynous couple. Both of them probably swing in and every way.”

“So it was started that way and Vince got cold feet. I don’t know if it was pressure from USA or if he just felt watching it that it was uncomfortable going there for whatever reason. But we had planned on going full-hilt.”

If Sable and Marlena had been allowed to go all out in this story, who knows how it might have changed the direction of the Attitude Era. It could have gotten very R-Rated very quickly.

Yes, The Rated-R Superstar did try and pull off an actual live sex celebration years later. But this was a different time and place for such a controversial angle and for whatever reason Vince McMahon decided it was best to go another direction.

Quotes for this article goes to Something To Wrestle With and WrestlingNews.co


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