Randy Orton vs. Kane
Kane hits Orton in the gut with a chair for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Randy Orton
Seth Rollins vs. Neville
Rollins hits the corner powerbomb and then the Curb Stomp for the win.
Winner: Seth Rollins
WWE United States Title Match: Stardust vs. John Cena
Cena hits the springboard backwards stunner then nails the AA for the win.
Winner: John Cena
The Bella Twins vs. Paige and Naomi
Naomi applies a scissors and slams Nikki’s head with it for the win.
Winners: Naomi and Paige
Luke Harper vs. Ryback
Ryback nails Shellshocked for the win.
Winner: Ryback
Xavier Woods and Big E vs. Sin Cara and Kalisto.
Sin Cara gets the win on Woods with a senton.
Winners: Sin Cara and Kalisto
Roman Reigns vs. Big Show
Reigns nails a spear for the win.
Winner: Roman Reigns
Sheamus vs. Mark Henry
Henry goes for a World’s Strongest Slam but Sheamus slides down and takes the leg out. Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick for the win.
Winner: Sheamus
The Miz vs. Damien Sandow
Sandow misses a kick and Miz rolls him up for the win with a handful of tights.
Winner: The Miz
#1 Contenders Triple Threat: Roman Reigns vs. Ryback vs. Randy Orton
Orton hits the RKO on Ryback for the win.
Winner and New #1 Contender: Randy Orton
As soon as the match is over, Rollins nails a Curb Stomp on Randy Orton.