Uh oh, WWE is under fire for a few segments that took place recently. Sexism in the WWE is a hot topic right now on social media thanks to Ric Flair sharing a kiss with Becky Lynch and The Rock’s interactions with Lana on Raw. People are now accusing the WWE of being sexist and due to the actions of those two men.

A writer working for Vocativ.com put together a piece looking at what they believe to be a sexism problem in WWE and WWE has responded. Within the article he goes more into detail about the Ric Flair/Becky Lynch kiss.

“WWE has, to their credit, begun to embrace the notion of strong women, existing not merely as decoration, but as capable competitors.

Which is why a moment like Sunday’s—when a meaningful, high quality women’s match was interrupted by an elderly man’s unwanted advances—becomes so frustrating. Rather than adding anything of value to the contest, Flair’s actions took the audience out of it, forcing viewers to contemplate the strange display they just witnessed, rather than focusing on the action in the ring.

Bringing sexual harassment into the storyline added little, if anything, to Flair’s villainy.”

The segment with The Rock and Lana was also brought up.

“Part of Johnson’s appearance involved an extended bit with Lana, another of the company’s young female talents, which consisted of a rambling monologue about an apparent sexual encounter the two had last year. Even when Rusev, Lana’s fiancee both in storyline and reality, arrived on the scene The Rock continued to gleefully recall their X-rated antics, despite her obvious discomfort.”

WWE was asked to comment on the article and they issued the following response:

“WWE programming, which features fictional characters that cover a range of personalities similar to movies and television shows, tells stories of good versus evil. In addition, as our on-going storylines develop, we will continue to position women as both strong competitors and compelling individuals.”



  1. Im getting sick of This PC Bullshit both moments were okay and if u say I’m a sexist if it was a women that kissed a dude during a match AJ lee during multiple daniel bryan matches was that wrong and taking the viewers out of it ffs