WWE Fastlane: The Club vs. Enzo And Big Cass – Tag Team Championship Match


Both of these teams are over with the fans and it’s hard to pick a winner right out of the gate because this match is one of the biggest toss-ups. Although Enzo and Big Cass are money, The Club are also a proven commodity and capable of carrying the Raw tag team division as their #1 team.

On the other hand, Enzo and Big Cass have started to show slight signs of cracking recently as Colin Cassady is seemingly annoyed by Enzo’s antics and so are some of the fans. After all, nobody backstage expected a roaring chant of “Thank you Sheamus” after The Celtic Warrior kicked Enzo’s head off when they won the #1 contendership a few weeks ago on Raw.

Enzo’s red jumpsuit would look very nice with a red tag team belt to match. Mick Foley was also wearing cheetah spots during the kick-off show, which might or might not have been an indication of this match’s eventual outcome. Also, Meltzer says Big Cass is only six-foot-nine, and still you can’t teach that because your proportions are greatly determined on your inherited genetics; just throwing that one out there too.

Big Cass and Karl Anderson kicked off the match and Colin Cassady took it to the Machine Gun (why don’t they call him that anymore?). Enzo quickly got the tag and he did what he does best: get thrown into someone by his best friend twice in a row.

Anderson kicked Enzo in the head and got him loopy (well, loopier… we are talking about Enzo here). Anderson held up the double “too sweet” but got nothing but boos from this Milwaukee crowd. Gallows got the tag and continued the assault on the Smack Talker Skywalker. Enzo was selling the beatdown well and had a really nice glazed look over his eyes, you can’t teach that, because it has to come from a good blow to the head.

Enzo dodged a charge from Gallows on the outside and the former Festus hit the post, however Amore didn’t make it to the tag because he was abruptly cut off by Anderson. Enzo rolled out of the way when Gallows went for a standing elbow drop and dodged out of the way again as Anderson tried for a corner splash. Big Cass got the tag and started to clean up with fallaway slams and Stinger Splashes all over the place.

Big Cass hit an Empire Elbow on Anderson but couldn’t capitalize. Enzo hit the Boom Shakalaka but Gallows pulled him off the cover before a three count could be make.

After a skirmish, Anderson ended up rolling up Enzo and getting the three count while Amore was obviously under the ropes. Amore put his foot over the bottom rope, but the Tag Team Specialist Luke Gallows sprung up and knocked Enzo’s foot off.

If you’re pissed about this, calm down. WrestleMania is next month and The Realest Guys in the Room capturing the Raw Tag Team Championships certainly sounds like a viable WrestleMania moment to us.


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