WWE Elimination Chamber: Tag Team Turmoil

tag team turmoil

it’s tag team turmoil time and Heath Slater and Rhyno were the first names called to the ring followed by Breezango. Let’s just get this out of the way while we’re at it too: Tyler Breeze is so much better than this, he can sell with the best of them and he’s got the capability of having barn burners if they just let him do what he does best, okay, now back to the Elimination Chamber coverage.

The two teams messed around for a bit, but the action finally took over with Heath Slater hitting Fandango with an atomic drop. Rhyno got the tag and took over. Rhyno was so over with the crowd as ECW chants filled the arena. Who knew that Phoenix was such a big ECW city, they’re a long way away from Philly.

Rhyno and Heath tagged back with each other and Slater ended up taking some abuse from Breezango with a double team move. During this entire contest, this writer couldn’t help but wish that The Revival would come out and win this match in the end. The Revival vs. American Alpha at WrestleMania would be absolute money.

Rhyno ended up hitting Fandango with a gore to eliminate Breezango. Next came the Vaudevillians. Slater hit both Vaudevillians with a cross body to the floor as the crowd started chanting “He’s Got Kids!” The men from a bygone era started taking the offense to the West Virginia native. Rhyno got involved and Slater hit English with a finisher and got the win.

The Usos came out fresh and looking like they had too much swagger to do their nifty little Samoan chant. Usos took the offense to Slater hard, but Heath countered and got a tag to the Man Beast.

Jimmy reversed an Irish whip and sent Rhyno to the corner. Jey got the tag and Rhyno took more damage until he got off a clothesline and Slater got the tag. Heath got hit with a Samoan Drop and got a close two-count.

Jimmy got the tag, and kicked Heath’s head off for the three-count. Then American Alpha’s music hit.

The two teams started brawling on the entrance ramp and made it to the ring for tandem double german suplexes by Alpha. Gable jumped on the top rope and hit Jey with a diving crossbody for a two-count.

Jordan got the tag, but the ref didn’t see it so Gable kept taking the abuse. Jey stalked Gable as he got to his feet. Gable took a double team move from the Usos for a close two-count. Chad Gable continued to take abuse but didn’t let them pin him. Both Usos tagged in and out, but Gable still didn’t let them pin him no matter what they hit him with.

Gable started to fight back after a few minutes of taking move after move but was thrown out of the ring, he got back in, but the fraternal twin Samoans still didn’t let him get the tag to Jason Jordan. When Jordan finally got the tag, he started cleaning house.

Both straps came down and Jason put Jey on his shoulders looking for the Steiner Brothers’ finishing move, but Jey rolled out of it. Gable got Jey in a roll-up pin and got the three-count. The Usos then beat the piss out of American Alpha to solidify their heel personas and establish themselves as the ultimate sore losers. Jimmy hit Jordan with a top rope splash to put the cherry on top of the beat-down.

The Ascension was set to come out next, everyone expected them, and down they came to pick up the leftovers. JBL said “The Ascension should write a check out and hand it to Jimmy and Jey,” and we agree. It didn’t look good for Alpha.

The two fresh superstars hit Jordan up for a “Fall of Man,” but Gable broke up the two-count as he came out of nowhere. Then Gable got thrown out of the ring for his troubles.

Jordan kept taking powerful stomps and kicks while he laid on the mat nearly motionless. The Ascension tagged in and out fluidly and hit a double-team move and got a very close two-count on Jordan. Viktor got the tag and kept the pressure on Jordan, Gable got back on the apron and called for a tag as Jordan hit Viktor with a belly-to-belly suplex.

Viktor soon ended up taking American Alpha’s double-team finisher and they got the clean win from behind.

It was a pretty good match and American Alpha are really looking strong. It’s not a bad place for them to be at, not only are they on top, but they are also showing their humanity which makes them even more relatable.

Sadly, there is still no Revival.


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