WWE Editing Fan Reactions For Roman Reigns Again

roman reigns

Roman Reigns is being pushed to be the next big thing in WWE whether the fans like it or not, the constant booing of the former United States Champion hasn’t led to Vince McMahon changing his mind about his push, instead, he has decided to edit out the boos.

Not only are WWE officials editing out the boos for Reigns, but they are also editing out crowd reactions and using stock footage to make it look as though Roman has fans supporting him. A few weeks ago WWE was caught when they tried to edit the video of Roman losing the United States Championship to make it look like the fans were annoyed by it, when really the same fan they showed was actually celebrating.

Once again this week WWE played the same footage of a fan more than once throughout Roman’s match against The Club as the company continues to work hard to try and give the impression that Roman Reigns has supporters.

Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer noted on a recent episode of Wrestling Observer Radio that the company has been reusing crowd shots that show a positive reaction for Roman Reigns.

Related: WWE Continues To Edit Fan Reactions To Roman Reigns

It doesn’t really matter what the crowd thinks, WWE fans will form their own opinion and now doctoring live footage just to make a point shows just how desperate the company is to get Reigns over. It’s stunts like this that are keeping the WWE Universe from liking the former Shield member.


  1. I wish people would just let the dude do his job and enjoy it. He might not be your cup of tea but he’s there and your not gunna change that cuz obviously EVERYONE who’s anybody backstage sees alot of potential in the dude. Why would they push him if they didn’t think he would make them money? They bash him but almost all of his ppv matches he’s got everyone chanting holy shit or this is awesome.. I’ve been there more than once so it def wasn’t edited. Just let the dude make a living for himself and enjoy what he does and hope that creative can come up with something good for him. Luckily we haven’t heard of any Roman beans or tater tots lately and that’s a big plus lol.

    • no one is chanting holy shit for roman reign moves. He’s getting booed like a heel when he hits and when he gets hit there is cheers. Quit hugging his dick. He’s mediocre on the microphone, has 5 moves that doesn’t include punches or clotheslines. He’s not a great wrestler but constantly gets title shots for who knows why.

  2. Are you dense or stupid? The only people that will notice are the ones who don’t care for him in the first place. You’re creating a story out of nothing really.


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