How WWE Is Changing The Way They Book The Top Of The Card

brock lesnar

WWE is at a crossroads so to speak when it comes to how they are booking creative. They are blurring the lines even more between heels and babyfaces. As the times change and WWE wants to present more of a real-life feel to their programs some people are wondering exactly how far WWE will go with this new approach.

It was recently discussed on an episode of Wrestling Observer Radio how WWE is booking their top stars. Dave Meltzer noted that the company is taking a step back from the traditional heel/babyface dynamic on the top of the card.

He noted that John Cena and Roman Reigns have taught officials that a top star can receive a mixed reaction and still do great business. Therefore it is possible for them to commit acts that might not fall in line with their character and this doesn’t necessarily mean they turn heel or babyface.

This ambiguous booking goes all the way to the top of the card, even encompassing the Universal Championship picture. Then Meltzer discussed Brock Lesnar and how the Beast Incarnate is currently being booked in WWE.

“Brock before this year before [WWE] made all the changes, he was gonna go against Finn Balor who’s a babyface, Seth Rollins who’s a babyface so it’s not like even though Brock’s a babyface, Brock’s still a half-assed heel anyway himself. He’s got Paul Heyman as a manager who people cheer but at the same time he’s supposed to be heel.”

So there might be some confusion on who fans should cheer or boo for. But in the end, the only thing that matters is if there is a reaction, if WWE is making money, and if the WWE Universe is engaged. As long as people respond, WWE is going to see that as a win however they can get one.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Wrestling Observer Radio with a H/t to Still Real To Us for the transcription.


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