Rusev has been unable to “Crush!” after suffering a recent foot injury during a match with Ryback on SmackDown. He’s lost the ability to walk without crutches and he’s even lost his girl, Lana. Things aren’t going all that great for the Hero of the Russian Federation lately.

It’s not known at the moment if Rusev broke his ankle or his foot, but either way, he’s out of action at the moment. The injury happened after Rusev was thrown over the top rope and he landed on his foot outside the ring. Rusev is known for wrestling barefoot but that might be changing when he returns. Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter is speculating that WWE officials may force Rusev to wrestle in boots from now on.

Wrestling in boots would certainly prevent Rusev from future foot injuries and it would definitely decrease his chances of stubbed toes by 100%.