What Actually Happens At A DDP YOGA Workshop?


People who listen to a lot of the top wrestling-related podcasts (e.g. The Steve Austin Show, The Ross Report, Talk Is Jericho) ought to be very familiar with DDP YOGA. They hear advertising for DDPY in practically every episode of those shows. In addition, advertising on Google and Facebook also targets wrestling fans via DDP YOGA ads.

While everyone knows that DDP YOGA is available as part of a home video series and an app, not everyone realizes that Diamond Dallas Page actually hits the road to do DDPY workshops. I was fortunate enough to catch one of these in Monroe Township, New Jersey — a little under two hours’ drive from Long Beach, New York — on the morning of Sunday, October 16. Titled Inspiration Meets Perspiration, the event’s namesake implied that it would include both a lecture and yoga. But was that going to be worth the $70 admission price per person? In short, the answer is/was yes.

This morning event kicked off with going to the ballroom area of the Crowne Plaza Monroe South Brunswick Hotel to check-in, which only took a few minutes. Upon entry, each person was encouraged to take a free bottle (or two) of Harmless Harvest. After entering the room, there was Diamond Dallas Page himself walking around, talking to attendees and setting up the event alongside wife Brenda. Attendees were encouraged to set up their mats where they wanted, with their personal items left off to the sides of the room.

DDP Yoga Beginner Beginner Workout Preview

After a few minutes, Dallas kicked off the event, explaining what was in-store for Inspiration Meets Perspiration via his head-mic. There was no intro music, no hypeman or warm-up act, nor any G.O.B. Bluth-style smoke grenades. He went straight into it, going into his back-story, which is full of adversity of nay-sayers. The underlying theme of such — which would be referenced at other times during the event — was how he made the choices and set the goals that got him to where he is today, and everyone else in the room can do the same if they plan, focus and practice what they preach. These visualized goals led him to become a three-time WCW World Champion, the founder of DDP Yoga, the author of a well-received memoir, and so forth.

Following this lecture, which had its fair share of laughs within the anecdotes, DDP shifted focus to the Diamond Dozen, or the 12-or-so core moves on DDP YOGA. An interactive demonstration of sorts, he would be doing each move while wife Brenda and some certified DDP YOGA trainers looked on and assisted attendees with their form. This lasted over a half-hour. While not a non-stop workout, this would be enough to cause the average attendee to break a sweat. After this segment, DDP opened up the floor, giving attendees the chance to ask anything they wanted, whether it was about DDPY, goal-setting or himself. An intermission followed, leaving room for bathroom breaks, water refills and the like.

After the intermission, everyone went back to the mats and the workout began. The Diamond Dozen was relied on for much of the 50-plus minute workout, ensuring that attendees of all skill levels and experience could participate. As with the prior activities, humor was implemented into the workout. While the workouts on the DDP YOGA home videos and app have instrumental library music playing in the background, Dallas put on driving rock music for this workout; he led off with “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana, acknowledging that it was a reference to the old WCW fans. While it was a real-deal workout that had everyone sweating, it was also free of competition as attendees could take a break and/or make modifications whenever needed.

Gabriel Iglesias Teaches Conan DDP YOGA @ TeamCoco

Once the workout wrapped, DDP sincerely complimented everyone for their hard work, but then made a point that few may have realized: just how hard everyone had worked out. Between the Diamond Dozen exercises and the workout, over 80 minutes of focused exercise had been completed. For many people in the room, this had undoubtedly been the most exercise they had ever done. In turn, the word “can’t” should not apply as to what a person is capable of when they are motivated to accomplish their chosen goals.

The event continued after the workout with DDP being ready to meet everyone in the room. Sure, there was merchandise to sell (e.g. t-shirts, books), but one did not need to buy any of that in order to get a photo and/or signed item. When it was your turn, if he did not already know your name, he asked it and talked to you about your experience; Brenda also did this while overseeing the merch area. There were no handlers and there were no time limits. You could ask the guy anything, take multiple photos, and so forth. All he asked was that you spread word about DDP YOGA if you enjoyed the day’s event.

In turn, for $70 attendees were treated to a nearly four-hour event which included:
– An intense group work-out for nearly 90 minutes
– A meet & greet with an all-time wrestling great
– A motivation-oriented lecture
– A free coconut water (or two)

Fingers crossed that DDP and crew return to the New York area for another event in the near-future, as this was an event that no one could have left disappointed.

DDP YOGA Changed My Life!


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