Watch John Cena Shock People By Recreating The Unexpected Cena Meme In Real Life


If you’re a wrestling fan who goes on the Internet, or even if you’re not a wrestling fan, if you’re just someone who goes on the Internet, you’ve likely seen the “Unexpected Cena” meme before. You know, it’s that meme where you watch a video and then out of nowhere “JOOOOOHNNNNNN CENNNNAAAA” shows up.

Well John Cena recently teamed up with Cricket Wireless to bring the meme to life and he shocked quite a few people. Cricket Wireless invited a few fans into one of their stores to talk about John Cena, but what they didn’t know is that John Cena was listening to their every word.

The fans gush about John Cena and then when they lease expect it, John Cena breaks through a wall behind them along with men holding trumpets playing his theme song. If you think that sounds awesome I can assure you that it’s glorious and you can check it out in the clip below.



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