Watch Differences Between Jinder Mahal’s Promos For India vs Everywhere Else


The world is an interesting place. When Jinder Mahal first became the number one contender for the WWE World Championship a lot of people made the call that it was a decision based on Indian interests. After all, India accounts for the most social media followers for WWE including America.

But what is very interesting about Mahal’s rise to champion is the fact he’s being portrayed as a babyface in India but a vicious heel everywhere else.

When he delivered a promo for the Indian fans after his title win at Backlash and he was all smiles. Although you might not understand every word he says, Jinder is a warm and happy guy and proud to be representing India as champion.

He says he can’t wait to defend his title in India. The Singh Brothers flanked him on both sides and they seemed to be all positive too. Although he might be a great heel on the broadcasts we see, if you’re watching SmackDown in India you would see a much different Maharaja.

You can watch his babyface promo below. It’s really amazing how different Jinder Mahal is being portrayed. We can only imagine how Indian fans might feel if they found out he was such a hated member of the SmackDown brand everywhere else. It just goes to show how magical the media can be if you use it correctly.

Let’s compare the promo above with the one below that was released from WWE’s official YouTube account. In his heel promo he is angry-faced as he says: “I told you so.”

Jinder said he intends on being WWE Champion for a long time and he seemed just as threatening and scary as ever. He said the Maharaja’s reign has just begun and with this kind of international promotion, we can see why that might be a possibility. In all honesty, he does look pretty good with that title.

Jinder Mahal's first message as new WWE Champion: WWE Backlash Exclusive, May 21, 2017