Vince Russo On Global Force Wrestling, AJ Styles And More


Last night during WWE RAW Vince Russo did a live twitter Q&A with wrestling fans. You can read some highlights below:

How did that deal last year happen when you were interviewed for the WWE DVD projects? Who contacted ya?

Funny enough, I think it was John Gaburick!

Honest opinion of Hlk Hogan and Eric Bishoff now that you’ve worked with them again in tna?

We just have personalities that don’t work well together. Nothing personal.

Were you in TNA before HH & EB showed up? If so, why did they “tear up the original script” and start over?

I was. Guess show before they came wasn’t good enough.

Do you think TNA losing AJ Styles will hurt then in the future?

I love AJ—big fan—but nobody is bigger than the business.

Is Scott Steiner really a d*ck like the internet has made him out to be?

The COMPLETE opposite.

Did you script the Scott Steiner Hirojima, ‘Get My Bags,’ and Math Lesson promos? Or improvised?

I WISH! Nobody could do that but Big PaPa!!! I love him.

Loved the Orlando Jordan character in 2010. Did you come up w/ all that stuff for him to do?

Most of it–I thought Orlando was a great talent!

what’s your absolute most favorite thing in wrestling right now?

All the young talent at TNA.

if you were starting a promotion tomorrow, who would be the first person you would sign?


Thoughts on Jeff Jarrett’s new promotion?

Wish him all the luck in the world!

What do you think of Aces & Eights in TNA? Would you have done anything different?

Truthfully—I never saw any of that.


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