vince mcmahon

WWE’s popularity reached new heights during the Attitude Era, but it’s no big secret that the company pushed the envelope with a lot of the content that was produced at the time.

There were quite a few controversial segments and even though The Godfather was over with the fans, his pimp gimmick received a lot of complaints from the Parents Television Council.

While speaking to Steve Austin on Broken Skull Sessions, The Godfather noted that Vince McMahon fought hard to keep the gimmick going, but eventually decided to poke fun at PTC by creating Right To Censor.

“Hated it [working as The Goodfather], absolutely. This is the only time in wrestling where I did not like what I was doing. It was so hard. First of all, Vince fought for me hard. He used to tell me, ‘Charles [Charles Wright, The Godfather’s real name], I’m trying, man, but they’re coming after you hard. I’m trying.’ If it was up to Vince, he would have kept that gimmick going forever, but he was taking a lot of heat for what I was doing. So he’s like, ‘Well, we’re gonna poke fun at this group for a minute and then try to get back to The Godfather.’”

The Hall of Famer went on to say that after he became The Goodfather in RTC he was considering leaving WWE, but he thinks word of his departure got back to Vince McMahon.

“I think it got to Vince, and you know how Vince is. Me being a loyal person to the company, I’ve always been a loyal person, he dropped the straps [tag titles] on us, so I’m not gonna leave when he dropped the straps on us. So it kept me there longer.”

Right To Censor disbanded in 2001, and Charles Wright returned with his Godfather gimmick in 2002 before he was released later that year.

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