USA Today Talks About The Yes Movement And Its Mainstream Popularity


USA Today has a new article which talks about Daniel Bryan and the “Yes Movement” having an affect on mainstream sports.

Bryan talked about why fans might like his chants:

“People like to do it because it’s fun and it’s interactive. When you’re part of an arena, a whole arena with thousands upon thousands of people doing it, it’s very, very surreal. I don’t know what is going on in my world that this happened,” he added. “Now these basketball teams are doing something that I made popular. How this all happened is surreal.”

Stephanie McMahon also commented:

“Throughout WWE’s history our Superstars and their catchphrases have often become part of the pop-culture lexicon, and Daniel Bryan’s ‘Yes!’ chant is the latest example of this phenomenon. WWE is all about having fun, bringing people together and making them smile, and the Yes! Movement accomplishes all of this at WWE events and beyond.”


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