CM Punk and Colt Cabana set the Internet on fire a few months back when CM Punk openly talked about his WWE departure for the first time on the “Art of Wrestling” podcast. Punk accused WWE’s doctor Chris Amann of misdiagnosing his MRSA staph infection telling Punk that it was a fatty deposit.

CM Punk revealed he later saw a different doctor who told him he should have died after wrestling with the infection for several months. Amann then filed a lawsuit against CM Punk and Colt Cabana classifying Punk’s claims as slander saying that the claims have ruined his reputation.

In an update, some new court documents reveal that a judge has assigned the case to category 2 and allowed 28 months for the discovery of new information. That means each party involved in the case has 28 months to exchange information such as medical documents and anything else which might be relevant to the case.

You can follow along with the case so far by reading the documents HERE.