Update On The Broken Hardys And Drew Galloway’s Impact Wrestling Contract Status

impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling has been going through some serious changes since the company was purchased by Anthem Sports. Jeff Jarrett is now back in control and the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Jarrett and other Impact officials will be meeting with ITV in the UK today (2/16/17) to talk about the proposed World of Sports wrestling show.

Jeff Jarrett has also been instrumental in Impact Wrestling moving back to a once familiar venue. Impact Wrestling announced that they will be returning to the Impact Zone in Orlando for two sets of television tapings on March 2nd and March 5th. These tapings will be the first tapings under the “new regime” with Dutch Mantel and Scott D’Amore on creative.

Although The Broken Hardys and Drew Galloway are expected to be at the tapings, they have not signed new contracts with the company. Galloway is currently the WCPW Champion, and it’s being reported that Drew even missed a couple Impact Wrestling tapings recently because WCPW was offering him such good money for appearances that he chose to work with the UK promotion rather than Impact Wrestling. WCPW is also reportedly taking a huge loss on these high profile shows with such large talent for the very young promotion.

Josh Matthews recently did an interview where he said that he is the best play-by-play announcer in professional wrestling. Meltzer reports that although many thought that he was working an angle at the time, the comments were apparently a shoot. They were, in reality, more of an innocent statement but when people started to “go nuts” over it, they turned it into an angle with Ethan Carter III saying that he supports Josh Matthews’ claims of his play-by-play ability.


  1. It’s not an update if you’re printing the exact same shit that’s been printed for the last month.


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