Tyler Breeze On If He’s Been Overlooked Or Underused By WWE


WWE fans had high hopes from Tyler Breeze when he was in NXT, but when he joined the main roster things didn’t exactly go his way. Breeze found a little bit of success when he teamed up with Fandango to form the Breezango tag team, but that came to an end when Dango got injured.

Now Tyler Breeze is back in NXT, and Triple H recently confirmed he will be working with the brand full time going forward. Prince Pretty challenged Velveteen Dream for the NXT North American Championship at TakeOver: XXV on Saturday, but he was unsuccessful in his attempt to win the belt.

Following his move back to NXT, Breeze has been openly answering fan questions on Twitter, and one fan asked him if he thinks he’s been overlooked, or underused by WWE.

Breeze responded with the following:

“Honestly. It isn’t my company. And I signed on to work for this company. So at takeover and for years I showed exactly what and who I am. It’s their choice professionally however they want to use me. It’s up to me whether or not I wanna sign that paper saying I’m ok with that”

Do you think Tyler Breeze has been overlooked and underused? Sound off in the comments below.


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