Triple H And Stephanie At Inauguration Dinner, Big WWE Shop Flash Sale And More

triple h

The McMahon Family have been well-known supporters of Donald Trump. They have donated millions of dollars to the WWE Hall of Famer’s political campaign, and Linda McMahon secured a spot in Donald Trump’s administration. Therefore it should be no surprise that Triple H and Stephanie McMahon attended the candlelight dinner as part of Trump’s inauguration festivities yesterday. is currently holding a flash sale on their website where if you buy one t-shirt you get another one for $1. The sale is scheduled to end at 6pm EST today, so if you’ve had your eye on a couple pieces of WWE merchandise, today is a good day to get those items checked off your wish-list.

January 20th is a somewhat historical day in wrestling history as it marked two returns by big names in the professional wrestling industry.

On this day in 1997, Macho Man returned to a WCW ring as a member of the NWO claiming to have been blackballed and he refused to leave the ring until Sting showed up.

Also, on January 20th 2013, Batista returned to a WWE ring as a face to confront then WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton. The program which followed was notorious for being what fans considered a missed booking opportunity. Although, WWE did get it right in the end as Daniel Bryan ended up walking out of WrestleMania 30 as WWE World Heavyweight Champion.


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