Triple H Reacts To LA Knight Losing Money In The Bank Ladder Match


Anticipation was at an all time high heading into Money in the Bank on Saturday night and the premium live event featured quite a few surprises. The show kicked off with the men’s Money in the Bank ladder match and LA Knight was the heavy favorite heading into it.

The London crowd made it clear that they wanted LA Knight to win the briefcase, but in the end it was Damian Priest who walked out with the contract. Anyone who has taken a look at the reactions on social media can clearly see that there are many fans who are disappointed that LA Knight didn’t win. However, it seems that a big name has taken notice of LA Knight.

Triple H talked about the Money in the Bank premium live event at the post-show press conference and he directly addressed LA Knight’s status while talking about the men’s Money in the Bank ladder match. The Game noted that LA Knight was the heavy favorite while congratulating Damian Preist and also teased that good things are coming for Knight.

“Priest winning Money in the Bank ladder match – wonderful for him. I know LA Knight was a massive favorite coming in tonight, continuing that ascent. You know great things come to those who wait, and I think that rise is just getting started,” Triple H said with a smile.

There’s no denying that LA Knight’s popularity has seemingly been increasing with each passing week as he’s currently one of the most popular Superstars on the WWE main roster. If WWE does indeed have plans for him then it will be interesting to see where he goes from here. Stay tuned for updates.