Triple H Issues Statement On His WWE Hall Of Fame Induction

triple h

WrestleMania season is set to kick off this week with the Royal Rumble which means fans have a lot to look forward to in the months to come. The annual WWE Hall of Fame induction ceremony is one of the biggest events during WrestleMania week and the first inductee for the 2025 class has been confirmed.

WWE announced on Wednesday that Triple H will be getting inducted into the Hall of Fame this year. The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels surprised Triple H when they informed him of the induction during a WWE Town Hall event.

Following the big announcement The Game posted the following statement on social media:

“Been trying to come up with a way to say “Thank You” for the immense honor announced yesterday.

I have had the incredible pleasure of a 30+ year of creating memories and moments… meeting life-long friends (which I’m rethinking both @Undertaker & @ShawnMichaels right now) and of course, the most incredible wife and mother

…and the opportunity to entertain the best fans in the world.

Thank you to everyone who has reached out, I appreciate the kind words and well-wishes.”

This will be Triple H’s second Hall of Fame induction as he was previously inducted as a member of D-Generation X in 2019. As of this writing The Game is the only inductee that has been announced for the 2025 class.

Stay tuned for updates.