Tony Khan Reacts To Triple H Posting William Regal Video Before WarGames


William Regal has been a hot topic in the wrestling world lately as he’s parting ways with AEW so that he can return to WWE. Tony Khan discussed Regal’s departure during the ROH Final Battle media call today and he confirmed that Regal will be returning to WWE to work as a coach, but he won’t be appearing on screen.

Prior to the Survivor Series: WarGames premium live event, Triple H posted a video of Regal saying “War Games” repeatedly which only took the online chatter about Regal’s status to the next level.

During the Final Battle media call Tony Khan addressed the video, and he said that he was surprised to see that Triple H posted it. Khan also noted that he didn’t think Triple H posting the video was in the spirit of how accommodating AEW was when it came to releasing Regal.

Stay tuned for updates.


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