Tommaso Ciampa Challenges Shawn Michaels And Refuses To Let WWE Sell His T-Shirt


Tommaso Ciampa might be out of action rehabbing a busted up kneecap but that obviously didn’t stop him from toning up his core. The Sicilian Psychopath recently displayed a really chiseled physique as he showed off on social media with a smug grin on his face like the true heel he is. Do you remember Shawn Michaels and Johnny Gargano having an “ab-off” a few months back? It looks like Ciampa wants a piece of that action as he challenged them HBK and Johnny Wrestling while looking plenty ready to take both of them on.

A WWE Superstar can make a pretty penny off the royalties of a good t-shirt just ask Rusev. But if you noticed the nifty “Blackheart” shirt that Tommaso Ciampa was wearing at NXT TakeOver: Philadelphia and wanted one of your own it looks like you’re out of luck.

Tommaso Ciampa apparently owns the right to the design and he’s not going to give them up. Or at least he’s not going to make the design available to the WWE Universe and he has a unique reason why. Of course, his reason involves him being a despicable person.

In true heel fashion, Ciampa proclaimed that WWE Shop approached him and wanted to put out his custom design t-shirt for sale to fans. But Tommaso said no and continued to rail on the fans in the process. It was a genius bit of cutting an online promo, for sure. If anything, it could have made some fans really want to own that t-shirt.

Whether this was a ploy and clever marketing or possibly a shoot on how he feels about the fans, you have to wonder how many of those t-shirts you’d see in the crowd compared to all the bright red “Johnny Wrestling” t-shirts all over the crowd at any NXT event.


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