tom phillips

Today is probably not going to be a good day for WWE announcer Tom Phillips folks. Tom is engaged, but he has allegedly been trying to find himself a side chick. A woman who says Tom was hitting on her has since found out about his engagement and called him out.

Instagram user “missythetattooedgirl” claims she had been flirting with Tom but now she says that she couldn’t feel more sorry for his fiancé. She posted a screenshot of their conversation on Instagram along with the following caption:

“This is why I don’t trust people. Without my friends I never would’ve known that a high profile WWE commentator who was talking to me and wanted to get together, is engaged. I had zero idea and I couldn’t be more sorry to the girl involved. You deserve better than this. Apparently nobody is faithful anymore.”

I’m just going to go out on a limb here and say that Tom’s fiancé probably isn’t going to be too happy about this.

Instagram user “missythetattooedgirl” has since changed her Instagram profile to private and Tom Phillips has also changed his social media profiles to private.

It remains to be seen if WWE will take any disciplinary action against Phillips.

The woman involved posted a screenshot online which showed a picture of Tom’s face along with text telling her that he had a “massive erection” and that he was going to “face f*** the s***” out of her. You can check out the screenshot here.

Twitter is having a field day with this situation and you can check out some of the reactions below.


  1. And people act as if the actual wrestlers themselves don’t do it too, but yet everyone ignores that and bashes a commentator instead. There are a bunch of wrestlers who are in a relationship, whether it would be an engagement, marriage or just a boyfriend/girlfriend, and they still cheat on them. So don’t act like it’s just this guy.