The Young Bucks are normally pretty outspoken on social media, and they often take time to interact with fans on Twitter, but recently The Bucks seemingly quit the social media site.

Their father, Matthew Lee Massie, took to Twitter to explain that The Bucks are taking a break from the toxicity on the site when he posted the following:

“Thx for all the love We are getting from everyone wondering about Matt and Nick ! They are fine and just need a well deserved break from the toxicity on here ! They are the most sweetest most genuine guys ever! They don’t deserve the hate they get! Love u all”

He went on to say that a hiatus was suggested so Matt and Nick could clear their minds.

“Thx man ! We suggested a hiatus to clear their minds ! They give 110% of their blood sweat and tears ! To the point of pure exhaustion they’ve got nothing else to give ! Haters gonna hate and always gonna find something!”