Soon The Undertaker will be celebrating his 30th anniversary at the Survivor Series pay-per-view, and over the course of his career he’s faced all kinds of different opponents.

Taker has faced some of the biggest names in the history of the business, and he’s had some legendary matches with WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels.

The former WWE Champion recently spoke with Sony Sports India, and he called his WrestleMania 25 match with HBK one of the greatest matches he’s been a part of while praising Michaels as the greatest of all time.

“When pressed for one particular match, it would have to be Wrestlemania 25 against Shawn Michael. The match quality, the storyline, this is one of the greatest matches that I was part of. I think Shawn Michaels probably is the greatest in-ring wrestler of all time. This match here starts off a four-match series- the two with Shawn where I ended up retiring him next year, and then Triple H comes into the picture to take up from his friend. And it all ends up with Triple H, Shawn Michaels and myself at the top of the stage after 4 match series together. That was the end of an era and that’s my proudest body of work in WWE. Those four Wrestlemanias.”

Do you agree with Undertaker’s opinion on Shawn Michaels” Sound off in the comments below.