It’s hard to believe that 18 years have passed since the infamous Montreal Screwjob took place. The event is still talked about daily among wrestling fans. Still to this day, 18 years later people are dissecting every piece of information that they have regarding the incident.

It’s not hard to see why the incident is still a hot topic. That one moment changed the course of professional wrestling and the impact of the changes can still be felt today. The Montreal Screwjob gave birth to the Vince McMahon the character who was obviously a key player in the success of The Attitude Era. It would also be Bret Hart’s last appearance on WWE television for quite some time.

A lot has happened since November 9, 1997. Bret Hart was forced to retire and he has since made peace with Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon. Shawn Michaels has also retired and Vince McMahon only appears on screen every once in a while. Although things have changed for the three key players involved in the Montreal Screwjob, the impact of the moment still resonates throughout the wrestling landscape today.

Relive it all in the clip above.