WWE Hall of Famer Ted Dibiase Sr spoke with Steve and the Scum on WGD Weekly. You can read some highlights below.

His thoughts on his son, Ted, Jr. parting ways with WWE last September: “…At a place and a time in my life, I was putting my life back together and I really came to understand that there was no amount of money that I could make that was worth being away from my family for any length of time, which is a decision that my son had recently made. I didn’t want my sons to wrestle. Not because I didn’t love wrestling and the lifestyle, but because of the demand that it takes from you in terms of being away from family…”

What is missing in today’s wrestling product: “…In my opinion, that’s the one thing today that’s really missing, and again, I’m not taking anything away from John Cena, Cena is a great guy, he is a consummate pro, he is one of the hardest working guys I have ever seen. But, it’s like every good run has it’s run and I think it’s run its course in terms of he has been there so long but what are they gonna replace him with? Where is that next bigger than life superstar? You had Hogan, then you had Austin, then you got the Rock, you had Shawn Michaels, but it’s like, where is that next star? That is the question that I’m asking…who is it gonna be?”

The differences in working for WWF and WCW: “…The major difference between WCW and the WWF is the WWF is a well-oiled machine that was run very well by Vince McMahon, who had his finger on the button all the time and knew what he was doing. I couldn’t say that for WCW, I’m sorry but they were the worst organization, in the time that I was there, it was kind of like too many chiefs and not enough Indians. There were times that we would go on the live show and they didn’t even know what they were going to do in the last segment yet…”