Tags Mr Anderson

Tag: Mr Anderson

Mr. Anderson Talks About People Saying Wrestling Is Fake

TNA star Mr. Anderson recently spoke with the CBS affiliate in Washington, DC and talked about people saying pro wrestling is fake: "When people found out it...

Mr. Anderson Talks About Being A Jobber In WWE

Journey Of A Frontman has a new interview ith TNA star Mr. Anderson. Here are a few highlights: Being a backstage extra/enhancement talent in WWE prior...

Highlights From Ken Anderson’s Twitter Q & A

Ken Anderson did a Twitter Q & A last night while TNA Impact was on the air. You can check out some highlights below: On...

Bound For Glory Main Event Made Official, Ken Anderson Gone From...

Last night on Impact after defeating both Austin Aries and Magnus, AJ Styles became the winner of the Bound For Glory Series. AJ will go on to...

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