Raw Tag Team Title Match Being Teased, Update On Mark Henry’s...

With Jason Jordan out of the picture due to injury, it seems that Seth Rollins is out of the tag team division, so Sheamus...

Why Mark Henry Told Jerry Lawler He Might Have To Fight...

Mark Henry and Jerry Lawler have known each other for a long time, and recently they shared an interesting moment in the dressing room...

Backstage News On More Names Being Considered For This Year’s WWE...

WrestleMania season is here, and WWE kicked off the annual string of Hall of Fame announcements in a big way when the company revealed...

Sasha Banks Says She Has Nothing Nice To Say About Ronda...

Sasha Banks made history on Sunday night when she competed in the first ever women's Royal Rumble, and she now holds the record for...

Mark Henry Joins Busted Open Radio As A Host

Mark Henry is a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion, but he hasn't been spending much time wrestling in the ring as late. Henry has...

Spoiler On Other Names Being Inducted Into The WWE Hall Of...

The Royal Rumble has come and gone, and WrestleMania season is officially upon us. This is without a doubt the most fun time of...

Mark Henry Denies Reports Of His Retirement

Mark Henry has inducted a lot of people into the Hall Of Pain for years now and is a shoo-in for the WWE Hall...

Former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Confirms His Retirement From The Ring

Everyone's talking about Paige's in-ring retirement at the moment, and it's not hard to see why. At 25 years old it seems that Paige...

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