Stone Cold Steve Austin Reveals One Of The Biggest Mistakes Of His Career

steve austin

Stone Cold Steve Austin is now one of the most recognizable wrestlers in the world, but Austin himself recently revealed to that a mistake back in 1995 could have ended his career before it even began.

Austin was part of the 1995 Royal Rumble match and when he came out at number 24, he was set to play a main role in the end result that would see Shawn Michaels become the victor.

Austin was known as The Ringmaster at the time and was set to be part of the final four in the match, meaning WWE were ready to give him a huge push.

He revealed: “I was supposed to be the fourth guy left, and first year in the company, that’s a pretty good push. I was doing a spot. I believe it was with Fatu (Rikishi), one of the Samoans. Man, he had a lot of baby oil on and all the guys were oiled up so the ropes were very slippery.”

“So I was going to do a deal where he does something to me and I was going to take a bump over the top, hang onto the top rope and come back in the bottom (rope). Well zip, zip, boom, lost my grip fall out on my keister by the guardrail. I thought ‘Oh man’. I’m the new guy in the company, they’re trying to give me a little bit of a push here by being the fourth last guy and I blow it.”

Austin then stated that he had to make eye contact with Shawn Michaels and tell him that he had messed up and the ending of the match would have to be changed. The final four men figured it out between them and Michaels still walked out as the winner, but it could have all been very different if Austin’s premature elimination had caused much more chaos than it did.



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