Still Real Radio: Matt Taven On His Return To The Ring, What To Expect From The Kingdom And More


ROH star Matt Taven joined us for this week’s episode of Still Real Radio to talk about his return to the ring, and more. You can subscribe to Still Real Radio on iTunes, and you can also like Matt Taven on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. The full episode is available along with some highlights below.

Returning to the ring at Arena Mexico: “It was exactly the way I wanted it to be. I have always watched Arena Mexico shows and looked at the big spectacle, and how many people they jam in there. Arena Mexico is such a crazy place. They get people packed in there every Friday night. It was pretty intimidating having my first match back in Arena Mexico. It was pretty crazy.

What to expect from The Kingdom: “The Kingdom will debut this Saturday in Lowell. The Kingdom will be a part of the ROH six man tag team tournament. Not only will The Kingdom be a part of it, The Kingdom will be taking home the first ever six man tag team belts. So, see the beginning of the journey this Saturday in Lowell.”

A possible feud with former Kingdom member Adam Cole: “You know I’m not hard to find, and if Adam Cole has any balls, which is what I didn’t think he had, and why he got kicked out of The Kingdom, I would be surprised if you see me pop up in his face.”

A dream match with Chris Jericho: “You can watch a lot of the things I do in the ring, and see it came directly from Chris Jericho. I did so many interviews in Mexico and they would ask me why I wanted to wrestle in Mexico so bad, and my first answer every time was because Chris Jericho came here. To follow in his footsteps is something I’ve always tried to do. So, if one day that ever happens, it would definitely be at the top of the bucket list to get checked off.”

If WWE is one of his goals: “Everyone wants to wrestle in front of as many people as humanly possible, and I’d be lying to say I never pictured myself at WrestleMania, because that’s every kid’s dream, that’s everyone that gets into wrestling’s dream. Of course that’s always been something that I’ve wanted to do. At the same time I’m extremely happy with the amount that I’ve been able to see the world, and travel around, and learn different wrestling styles. If ever one day I end up walking out at WrestleMania, I’d be excited for that. I always try to live in the moment, and enjoy what I’m doing at that point in time. Having the knee injury, and everything kind of being taken away from you out of nowhere, it really puts your life in perspective. You have to enjoy what you have while you have it, and that’s just kind of how I’m living, and taking the steps I need to take to succeed, and if one day that leads down a certain then so be it.”



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