Steroid Dealer Says He Will Release Evidence Proving Communication With Roman Reigns


Roman Reigns was accused of buying steroids from accused steroid dealer Richard Rodriguez. While giving an interview from prison, Rodriguez named Roman Reigns along with a few other celebrities as customers of his. The Big Dog immediately denied this claim saying he had never heard of Rodriguez or the name of the company he used to distribute the performance-enhancing drugs.

This subject was brought up on Wrestling Observer Radio recently where it was said we may never hear about this subject again after Reigns denied the claims. But thoughts of this subject being water under the bridge could be far from over.

Along with Roman Reigns, other high profile names were mentioned as well such as Josh Duhamel and Mark Wahlberg. Rodriguez says he communicated with Reigns through text messages which he has along with tracking numbers and addresses to where packages were shipped. Rodriguez said he was introduced to Roman Reigns via a pro wrestler and pro wrestling enthusiast a couple of years ago.

“What people need to understand is everyone that I have disclosed to this day have usually sank their own ship with cover-ups and lies instead of coming clean,” Rodriguez said. He went on to say that the text messages he has from Reigns will soon be provided and disclosed in a documentary as part of his argument and it will come in the next week. He has addresses where items were shipped to people on location that can be directly tied to people like Wahlberg, Duhamel, and Reigns.

You can believe that or not, but Rodriguez who is incarcerated for dealing steroids said that he was introduced to Roman Reigns a couple of years ago and he knew a bit about WWE’s wellness policy testing procedure as well. He said Reigns’ “protocol” needed to be changed once WWE’s testing procedures were altered.

We’ll keep you up to date on this if any news breaks because from the sounds of it there could be more to come.



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