Why Shane McMahon And Kevin Owens Is Now A Falls Count Anywhere Match


Kevin Owens and Shane McMahon are about to do battle inside Hell In A Cell. The match will main event the Hell In A Cell pay-per-view this Sunday and there was already a ton of intrigue in this matchup. After all, everybody loves a good Shane McMahon match.

McMahon made a point to specifically announce his Hell In A Cell match at the brand new Little Caesars Arena in Detroit is now a falls count anywhere match. So why make this Hell In A Cell match a falls count anywhere match?

This puzzling subject was brought up on Wrestling Observer Live and discussed at length. Bryan Alvarez went on to give a pretty good idea about why the Shane McMahon vs Kevin Owens match at Hell In A Cell now has a falls count anywhere stipulation.

“I know before they announced the stipulation, I know some of the ideas for this stupid thing Shane was going to do and it was inside the cell or around the cell area. So maybe they got together and they decided to start working things out and they had an idea and then Shane was like ‘you know what? I’m gonna kill myself here so let’s do a pre-tape and we’ll make it falls count anywhere so we can make it out of the cell.’ That very well could be what happened.”

“Maybe they just figured there’s more smoke and mirrors. You gotta remember this: Shane McMahon/AJ [Styles] was better than everybody expected. I mean I didn’t think it was any 4 star match but Dave [Meltzer] did and other people thought it was very good. But I mean Shane’s strength is not as a wrestler. And when you put him in a cage match and you lock the door. I mean he’s forced to just wrestle or be run into the cage a bunch of times.”

“So if you let him out of the cage there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors. There’s a lot of ways to hide Shane McMahon’s limitations.”

Alvarez went on to say how the match should have never been in the dangerous cell in the first place because it always should have been a falls count anywhere match. But I guess since it was at the Hell In A Cell pay-per-view, they just stuck it in there.

If you use the quotes in this article please credit Wrestling Observer Live with a H/T to Still Real To Us for the transcription


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