Seth Rollins Talks Shooting The Trailer For WWE 2K18 And More

seth rollins

In October the annual WWE video game will be released, and this year it will feature Seth Rollins on the cover. The fact that Seth Rollins is on the cover is a pretty big deal, especially since past covers have included huge names such as Steve Austin, The Rock, Brock Lesnar and more.

When the cover was revealed, WWE also released a trailer for WWE 2K18 which featured Seth Rollins destroying iconic items from WWE history. Rollins recently spoke to IGN about shooting the trailer, and he went into what went on behind the scenes after he was asked if he expected any backlash for destroying some of WWE’s most precious items.

“No, I didn’t really expect too much backlash. I thought it was cool and exciting. I got to smash things with a bat. Take off Andre’s head. Burn a bunch of stuff and break glass with my fist. It was a cool experience. We shot it in LA in this abandoned mall, which felt super weird. I know they filmed some scenes from Westworld in there too, which is a great show so I was just excited to be on the same set of that show. It was a really spooky experience to be in an abandoned mall, but I think the spot turned out great. It was a big win for 2K, WWE, and myself. There’s certainly an element of responsibility that goes with being on the cover, but I’m just stoked for it. I think it’s awesome for our generation to have a guy on the cover who comes from the group of guys and girls on the road right now who are grinding it out every single day and night. I feel honored to have gotten the opportunity and that I was chosen to be that guy when it could have been anyone from Charlotte Flair to Sasha Banks to Roman Reigns.”

WWE 2K18 will be released on October 17, 2017, and fans who pre-order the game will receive Raw General Manager Kurt Angle as a playable character.

You can check out the trailer below.

WWE 2K18 Seth Rollins Cover Reveal Trailer


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