Seth Rollins Says Wrestlers Are Athletes Now Not Cartoon Characters


Seth Rollins recently spoke to Men’s Journal about his CrossFit workout routine and how being a bodybuilder in the world of wrestler is slowly fading out. He says that wrestlers are athletes now not cartoon characters. You can check out the full article HERE and read a quote below.

“I think it’s a little antiquated, especially considering the evolution of professional wrestling. If you look at the wrestlers in the ’80s and ’90s compared to what we do today, I think training in that lifestyle is just asking for injuries. Using limited range of motion to move light weights a bunch of times just to get a pump so you’re aesthetically pleasing, I feel like you’re begging to hurt. In the ring, we move so fast. We take so many more bumps than those guys did, and we do so much more high-risk stuff. We’re athletes now. We’re not cartoon characters anymore. To do what I do 250-300 nights a year, if I didn’t train like this, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do at this level. So for me, yes, I think bodybuilding is slowly drifting out as a placeholder for athletic training, and I think slowly but surely, people understanding they have to train functionally to do this well for a long time.”

Rollins also added that anyone can do CrossFit.

The beautiful thing about it is anyone can do it. There’s people in my gym who are upwards of 50 and 60 who are doing CrossFit and are as healthy as they’ve ever been. As I get older and my body wears down a little bit, I’ll have to modify what I’m doing, but at the same time, there are some power-lifters well into their 50s who are still pulling 700 pounds. I hope I’ll be able to continue that for a long time. The cool thing about CrossFit is the scalability of it.



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