WWE Raw is looking like a big show tonight as the Road to WrestleMania kicks into high gear. The main event for WrestleMania 32 is set and now the rest of the card should start filling in.

Now a hot rumor has hit the Internet and the word is that a big surprise is taking place on Raw tonight. Reddit user Falcon Arrow has leaked insider WWE information in the past and earlier today he was hyping up Raw tonight.

He posted the following on Reddit:

“Regardless of whatever trash last night was, watch Raw from beginning to end tonight.

You just might get an early christmas present.”

Dave Meltzer followed that up by saying he’s also heard rumblings of something big on Raw tonight.

“I don’t know what it is, but was told it’s ‘not at the end, up front,’ so I’m thinking first segment.”

So yeah, that’s pretty cryptic and not very informative. But there are no more pay-per-views before Mania so it’s time for WWE to pull out all the stops.

They’ve already announced that they will be handing out the Vincent J. McMahon Award tonight. Also we’re all awaiting the return of The Undertaker so it could be that.

What about you guys, any guesses as to what it might be?