Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman Booked For Fastlane


Braun Strowman is on the warpath, and it isn’t stopping until he’s taken everyone on the roster out. Therefore, he was set up on Raw this week in a match where he faced four people at once in a 4 on 1 handicap match.

Braun smashed every man in order and one even went bolting toward the exit. Braun kept throwing stiff forearms and eventually hit one of his opponents with green trunks on with his running powerslam for the win. Oh yeah, he stacked everyone on top of each other before he pinned them all. That was a nice touch.

Braun then took the microphone and called Foley out for not giving him any competition. Strowman said, “I warned you, now I’m going to find you.” Then he left to go find Mickles. He went backstage and Mick answered his call. Braun said “I want everyone.” Foley then booked Roman Reigns to face Strowman at Fastlane.

This match at Fastlane should be the one worth watching if you like seeing signs of The Undertaker, or perhaps the Dead Man himself. Roman Reigns and The Undertaker are expected to face off at WrestleMania 33 and you can get more on that below.

Related: Update On The Undertaker’s WrestleMania Match, Roman Reigns Possibly Turning Heel



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