Roddy Piper On His Future With WWE


WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper recently spoke with The Baltimore Sun. You can read some highlights below:

Are you going to be involved at all with Wrestlemania Weekend?

I’m going to be there. You know, that’s a good question. I have a lot of thoughts about it. I don’t know any other entertainment sport where 30 years later you could give the fans the opportunity to see the two guys who started it at the War to Settle The Score. Personally, I think that if you don’t hit the bagpipes, there’s 30 years and I don’t know how many millions of fans that you’re cheating of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It’s not about money, it’s not about hearing your name get chanted either. It’s about saying thank you I think. You want to give the fans what they deserve and you want to do it with class. So am I going to be part of it? I don’t know. I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind inducting T into the Hall of Fame, I guarantee you would never forget that induction. I doubt they’ll do that one but they may. I don’t know what they’re going to do. Tell me when I get there.

Speaking of Mr. T, what do you think of him being inducted into the Hall of Fame?

I’m glad he’s being inducted into the Celebrity wing. At the time, at the first Wrestlemania, Mr. T was probably the most famous television celebrity in the world. So I think the guy deserves to be inducted into the Celebrity Hall of Fame. Personally, what I’ve got with him or against him I think it’s time to grow up. Just don’t mention my name. Leave me out of your speech, T.

When you were on that show back in January, you really put over CM Punk. What do you think of his situation now with him apparently walking out?

I don’t know the reasons. I’m glad you asked that question because I have no bias. I don’t know why, and I don’t know what was going on, but I know this. CM Punk is a very talented man, and I’m a big fan of his. He’s got a lot of great talent to share with the fans all over the world for a number of years. When you have one regime and something is going wrong, you have no other choice but to fall back and catch your breath and see where am I standing and where are they standing and where are we going. Back in the day, when you’re going 330 days a year, it’s hard to have that much sense. I think that for one, CM Punk has a whole lot more great stuff to come out and I believe that the WWE will want that. They’ve put a lot of money into him, and they need to get over whatever their problem is. Sometimes going It seems like between WWE Network and Wrestlemania, you really want to get back out there with them, but is there some pushback from them? What’s going on there?

It seems like between WWE Network and Wrestlemania, you really want to get back out there with them, but is there some pushback from them? What’s going on there? 

Yeah, I think there is some pushback. Why? Without putting words in anybody’s mouth, I think that Roddy has a reputation for being a rebel. I don’t think that’s a big secret. Not just to be a jerk, but to be a rebel, but at the time I was feuding with Mr. T, and I had young children to feed. I had to do what I had to do. I still think there’s some resentment on some people’s part with that. Nothing I can do about that. If you want me, I’ll be more than happy to come and do that. If you don’t want me, I’ll do it on someone else’s network and make them the money. It’s a strange one. It’s one I need you gu


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