Rob Van Dam On If He’s In Talks With AEW Or WWE

rob van dam

Rob Van Dan has been in the professional wrestling business for decades now, and throughout the course of his career he’s had the opportunity to wrestle in some major companies such as WCW, ECW, WWE, Impact Wrestling and more.

The former WWE Champion recently reflected on his career during an episode of Café De Rene, and he noted that he had the most fun in ECW, and that Impact Wrestling was his easiest contract. However, Van Dam also noted that WWE is the place to be if you’re a wrestler looking for money and fame.

“WWE was definitely money and fame, more the money than the fame, that’s the thing about wrestling. But they really make you a star like no other company can compare,” RVD continued. “I don’t care if you’re wrestling 300 days a year — not that anybody is — or taking your own bookings, it still isn’t like WWE. Boom, you get on their TV and you’ve got people in countries you’ve never even heard of that are inspired by you, and are imitating you, and are trying to buy your image on stuff.

“You know, that’s only been WWE that has done that so far. But AEW is, you know, coming up, I don’t have any experience to take from that. I always say if they ask what was my favorite, ‘Well, do you want to know by money, by fun, or by easy work?’”

Rob Van Dam’s in-ring career has been winding down for some time now, but it doesn’t sound like fans should expect to see him wrestle in AEW or WWE anytime soon because he also confirmed that he is not in talks with either company.

“No, no, I’m not sure if you said WWE or AEW, but the answer would be the same on either one. Nobody. I’m not talking to anybody that’s significant like that.”

Would you rather see RVD in AEW or WWE? Sound off in the comments below.

Rob Van Dam vs Sting: FULL MATCH (Slammiversary 2010) | IMPACT Wrestling Full Matches

H/T Wrestling Inc.


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