Rob Van Dam Endorses British Bulldog For The WWE Hall Of Fame

british bulldog

This year’s WWE Hall of Fame class will be headlined by Kurt Angle and it will also include the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express, Rick Rude, Teddy Long, Beth Phoenix and Diamond Dallas Page. The 2017 WWE Hall of Fame class is impressive without a doubt, but there are a few names out there who fans have been hoping to see get inducted and one of the those names is the British Bulldog.

Davey Boy Smith had a great career before his untimely death in 2002 and many fans remember his matches fondly. Over the past few years there’s been a big push from the fans in hopes that WWE can be influenced to induct the former Intercontinental Champion, and some have even gone as far as to create a petition to show their support.

It looks unlikely that the British Bulldog will be inducted as part of the 2017 WWE Hall of Fame class, but there will be many more Hall of Fame induction ceremonies in the years to come, so it’s always possible that he will be inducted eventually.

Rob Van Dam is one star who seems to agree that the British Bulldog should be inducted and he recently spoke to Team Davey Boy Smith about their petition and he encouraged fans to sign.

Van Dam talked about what made him a British Bulldog fan and he shared a few stories about his first impressions of Davey Boy Smith. You can see what Rob Van Dam had to say below and if you’re interested in signing the petition, you can do so by clicking here.

Rob Van Dam joins the Team Davey Boy Smith WWE Hall of Fame campaign


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