ric flair

Ric Flair has seen a lot in his time as one of the greatest pro wrestlers to ever walk the planet. Now it looks like he’s going to be parting ways with a very important part of his life.

Although Ric Flair said he will announce who will represent him from this point onward, The Nature Boy posted on Facebook this morning saying he is leaving Legacy Talent Entertainment effective on Wednesday. In a short, but very Ric Flair sounding message he wrote:

“As of Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017, I have parted ways with Melinda Morris Zanoni and Legacy Talent Entertainment, LLC. I Will Announce New Representation Tomorrow. I’m looking forward to the new beginning and the great opportunities that await me. WOOOOO!”

If you take yourself back to that scary time when Ric Flair was dealing with his recent health issues, you’ll remember Legacy Talent Entertainment’s Twitter was one of the first sources to release information letting fans know how serious his health situation was.

But now that he’s able to talk, walk with assistance, and cut a promo for fans (as well as his nurse) it looks like he’s also ready to join up with a new team.

Ric Flair’s done a lot in the pro wrestling business and he’s switched things up before. But coming out of that kind of a health scare might have put things into perspective for the 16 time World Champion.

Who knows what the true inner-workings of this situation really are, but with Ric and Charlotte Flair’s new book coming out on September 19th, he’ll probably need to figure this situation out quickly because there are sure to be plenty of media outlets who would love a chance to sit down with The Nature Boy for a chat.

Ric Flair’s departure from Legacy Talent Entertainment has to be a big blow to the roster of people they represent as well. After all, Ric Flair’s picture is prominently featured on the company’s website.