Bully Ray Announces Retirement During ROH Global Wars

bully ray

Bully Ray has been wrestling for a long time now, and his resume is pretty impressive. He’s held gold in quite a few different promotions, but it looks like Bully Ray’s time as an in-ring competitor may have come to an end this weekend.

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A few weeks ago Bully Ray suffered an injury during a match when he took a table shot to the head, and he later spent the night in the hospital. He appeared on Busted Open Radio a few days later and said that he was unsure if he would be able to continue wrestling.

Sunday night at ROH Global Wars, Bully Ray took things one step further when he announced his retirement.

Bully saved Cheeseburger from an attack by Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian, and he put Kaz through a table.

He then grabbed a mic and said he has to think about his health after the concussion he suffered due to the table bump. Bully then invited a kid into the ring and gave him a piece of what he claims to be the last table he’ll ever put someone through.

Bully Ray then received a standing ovation from the crowd. He’s expected to go into more detail regarding his retirement on Busted Open Radio.


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