
It’s an interesting time for WWE, as several stars are trying to leave the company, not it seems that yet another wrestler is on his way out.

Rhyno recently spoke to Chris Van Vliet about his WWE status, and he explained that he will officially be finishing up with the company in July.

“July 17th is my last date there. They actually offered me more than twice my downside but it wasn’t where they would have to use me because the downside is so large and it wasn’t about money it was about me wanting to be on the road work and helping the younger guys kind of like a player coach.”

He went on to explain that he simply turned down the contract offer because he doesn’t want to be paid to sit at home.

“It was a mutual understanding that we were not going to figure out a number. And they’ve been great, I can’t say anything bad about them. I had a lot of fun. I was afraid that they would say yes to a larger downside than what they offered me because I was afraid that they would still sit me at home. It’s not that they don’t like me, there is a lot of talent there and they have to cycle the talent which is normal because you want to get men and women out there to work. I was afraid that I would become miserable and that’s the last thing that you want to do when you’re doing something that you love. I would rather take a step back and work for some of these companies and work the independent scene.”

Rhyno added that he feels good, and he wants to find the “next John Cena” or “next Stone Cold Steve Austin” so that he can do what he can to help them improve.