Possible Reason Why Rusev Was Removed From Casket Match Against The Undertaker


The internet is full of rumors and it seems that one of the most popular ones nowadays is the story that Rusev has asked for his WWE release. Although this hasn’t been confirmed at this point some people are starting to build evidence to support conspiracy theories regarding the Lion Of Bulgaria’s WWE status.

Rusev was scheduled to compete in a Casket Match against The Undertaker at the Greatest Royal Rumble in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. But all of a sudden that match was switched around and Chris Jericho was inserted into Rusev’s role.

It’s unknown exactly what brought this decision on at this point, but WWE had Lana send out a social media message before this change was announced saying she was having her husband’s match canceled.

Therefore this kayfabe message could play into the storyline in a manner of speaking. But it is still notable that Rusev was pulled from this big match against The Undertaker.


TMZ caught up with Rusev and asked him about his upcoming match with The Undertaker while it was still on.

Rusev sounded very confident as he got out of his car and had a little conversation with the TMZ cameraman. But he might have said too much when he started hyping his match with The Dead Man.

“I am obviously going to crush him,” Rusev said. “The only thing that is a little bit worrying me is it’s a Casket Match. I have never had a Casket Match before… I have never been buried before. So you know he’s got an advantage there but then again it’s Rusev Day bro.”

WWE's Rusev & Lana Say Rusev's Gonna Retire The Undertaker, Crush His Old Ass! | TMZ Sports

It’s interesting that The Undertaker’s wife Michelle McCool replied to TMZ’s tweet promoting this story. Even though Rusev didn’t say he was going to “crush his old ass” like she implied he said, Rusev did say The Undertaker is in the past and not in his prime.

Lana didn’t make things much better when she said that she thought Rusev was going to retire Taker. Rusev said it could be Undertaker’s last fight too and it will happen on Rusev Day.

But something about this video obviously irked Michelle McCool and odds are The Undertaker heard about it as well.


There’s no official report saying Rusev was pulled from this match as a punishment, but that hasn’t stopped people from creating theories.

To add even more intrigue to the situation, WWE seems to be editing Rusev Day chants out of clips from SmackDown Live on social media. After all, when WWE spends the time to go back and take things out in post-production it is usually for a reason.


As hard as it might be to believe Rusev is having issues with WWE, if you look at the evidence things could be strangely adding up.

But on the other hand, Chris Jericho responded to the match’s announcement saying he was going to “bury his ass” when talking about The Undertaker. But then again Jericho can get away with a lot more than Rusev because he’s Chris Jericho.

But let’s hope everything is okay between Rusev and WWE so there will be many more Rusev Day celebrations for years to come.



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