The Undertaker is a WWE legend and plenty of people want him to come back so he can shut John Cena down at WrestleMania 34. But of course, WWE is taking their time with bringing The Dead Man back to answer Cena’s challenge.
This whole storyline might prove to us all that the wait for Taker’s return is worth it. But if you want to see The Dead Man, it looks like all you need to do is check out his wife Michelle McCool’s Instagram. After all, John Cena did take a rather clever shot at McCool’s Instagraph feed during a promo on Raw a few weeks ago because she uploads videos of The Phenom from time to time.
We’ve seen The Undertaker in the ring where he took part in absolute wars and we’ve seen him clanging and banging in the gym, but it’s a real rarity to see Taker actually smile.
Michelle McCool recently uploaded a selfie she took with her famous husband and as you can see, they are both incredibly happy. Let’s just hope Taker’s smile will be this big after Mania because, to be honest, the last thing I want to see is him take a bump let alone an AA from John Cena.
Tommy Dreamer’s House Of Hardcore promotion is growing more with each show. They’ve attracted the attention of the indie wrestling world for a reason and continue as a sanctuary for those who want to take part in their unique ode to pro wrestling.
HOH found a lot of success on Twitch recently with their weekly shows and live events. Now they’re set to debut a new title and it is named after their online host channel.
Bubba Ray Dudley entered the 2300 Arena in Philly on Saturday night to not only receive a ton of “you deserve it” chants from the crowd for his WWE Hall Of Fame induction but he also had some business to conduct as well.
Dudley carried a bag with him to the ring and soon pulled out a brand new title as competitors in the House Of Hardcore Twitch Television Title tournament gathered in the ring.
It will be a hard tournament to win seeing how many great pro wrestlers there are to compete for it. But a winner must be decided and it will go down at House Of Hardcore 40 in New Orleans on WrestleMania Weekend.
Oh, and here's the new House Of Hardcore Television Twitch Title and it's looking pretty nice..
— Pinecone Marketing (@PineconeSocial) March 25, 2018