Paul Heyman On How Suplex City Completely Changed Brock Lesnar’s Career

suplex city

Brock Lesnar is a force to be reckoned with in the world of combat sports, and he also happens to be the current WWE Universal Champion. Many wrestlers fear Brock Lesnar because they know that when they step in the ring with him, it’s only a matter of time before Brock Lesnar takes them to Suplex City.

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Suplex City caught on with the fans after Brock Lesnar coined the phrase when he faced Roman Reigns in the main event of WrestleMania 31. Fans immediately picked up on it, and now Suplex City has become synonymous with the one and only Brock Lesnar.

Paul Heyman recently spoke to USA Today’s For The Win about how Suplex City has completely changed the public’s perception of what a Brock Lesnar match should be, and he noted that they knew shortly after he said it that they were on to something.

“By midnight that night, we knew we were on to something brand new and perhaps even career defining,” Lesnar’s advocate Paul Heyman said. “The entire Suplex City phenomenon has changed the public’s desire in what they see Brock Lesnar do. His signature is to waist lock someone and fling them all over the ring so it’s changed the public’s perception or the public’s desire in what they want from a Brock Lesnar match.”

Do you like Brock Lesnar’s Suplex City style, or would you like to see him switch it up? Sound off in the comments below.


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