Paige was recently a guest on Busted Open on the Sirius XM Radio Network. During the interview she discussed Triple H’s influence in NXT, which WWE Diva she feels has the most potential and more. You can find out more information by clicking here and read a few highlights below.

Triple H’s giving the women in NXT a chance:

“Just seeing him come in and completely take what was then called FCW like under his wing and make it into this huge brand to the point where it sold out in Brooklyn. 15,000 people are coming to watch NXT, that’s mind blowing and it’s all because of that guy. He really wanted to make it a success and he really did, especially with the Divas. He really did give the Divas a chance in NXT. Like me and Emma, the first network show that we did he really gave us a chance on there and it just progressed. He killed it. He knocked it out of the park with it. We’re all extremely thankful for the opportunity that he gave every single one of us.”

Which WWE Diva she feels has the most potential.

“Even though she’s on the opposing team, I would say Sasha Banks. I’m a huge fan of hers. And I’ve always said it. I’ve always said Sasha Banks. She’s just the full package to me. She can promo, she can wrestle, she looks good, she definitely shows the most, I think.”