Paige Attends Slammiversary, GFW And Impact Titles Unified


Sunday night the stars of Impact Wrestling showcased their skills at the Impact Zone during Slammiversary. Alberto El Patron faced off against Bobby Lashley in the main event and Paige was in attendance. Paige and Alberto El Patron have been a hot topic as of late as it was rumored that they had broken up, but the couple appears to be back together and Paige is once again gushing over her man on social media.

It was reported that the former WWE Divas Champion was backstage at the event, which wouldn’t be the first time the current WWE superstar has hung out backstage at the Impact Zone.

However, it appears that Paige also watched the main event from the front row while wearing a mask.

An eagle eyed Twitter user also found a photo of the masked woman from a different angle which shows a visitors pass for Universal with the name “Saray Bevis” which is an incorrectly spelled version of Paige’s real name, Saraya Bevis.

Global Force Wrestling Global Champion Alberto El Patron faced off against Impact Wretling World Champion Bobby Lashley in the main event and both men put their titles on the line. In the end it was Alberto who beat Lashley with a double stomp from the top rope to win the match and unify the titles.



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